Family Violence Attorney in Fort Worth
Family violence is unfortunately not an uncommon happening. Divorce, custody, and other family issues can often prompt ill feelings and sometimes violent reactions. To protect your loved ones, it may be necessary to enlist the assistance of a qualified and experienced attorney.
Many people are unaware of what constitutes family violence. Domestic violence is not always a case of spousal abuse. Other cases that may qualify include being stalked by a significant other, harassment from a family member or partner, and threats from someone living in your home. The first step in stopping the behavior.
There are some options for you regarding family violence in Fort Worth. While every individual has the right to protection from domestic issues, many are not aware of their rights and unfortunately, do nothing to prevent what may be happening. Because of this, there are domestic violence cases that remain unreported and the person at fault never gets punished. Don’t let this happen: it is imperative that you seek help.
The Law Offices of Harold V. Johnson has experience dealing with family violence in Fort Worth. Mr. Johnson will fight aggressively for you and your loved ones. Our goal is to help you protect yourself from harm and to keep these instances from happening again. If you feel that you have been or currently are the victim of domestic violence, now is the time to act. Call our office today to schedule a consultation. Take a stance against harm and make a better future for yourself and those you love.
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