Credit and debit card abuse are both very serious charges. If you are facing these charges, you may feel like all hope is lost. The state of Texas aggressively punishes those accused of these crimes in most cases. If you are facing such charges, an experienced credit card abuse attorney in Fort Worth should be your first call.
It is important to understand what could merit such a charge. Generally speaking, credit card abuse typically involves using a credit card that is expired or cancelled, using a credit card that is stolen, or giving out information from a credit card that has been stolen. Texas considers these charges to be severe and the repercussions can be just as severe. This is why having a credit card abuse attorney in Fort Worth who has experience in these types of cases is important.
If you or a loved one are facing these charges, it is time to contact the Law Offices of Harold V. Johnson, an attorney with years of experience in these and other felony cases. We will stand with you, by your side, working to achieve a positive outcome for your case.
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